We are in the process of manufacturing a few items which are currently either unavailable, or only being offered at a relatively high price and with unknown quality. Since we have overhauled quite a number of 6C 2500 gearboxes, we had to reproduce the complicated brass bush which carries the gearwheel of the third gear (Pos 39 "boccola per ingranaggio di 3 velocitá sull'albero secondario" , Tav. 14 in the parts book). A quite elaborate part which is usually not being replaced, but will throw out 3rd and 4th gear if worn (see pictures). We produced it with 0.5 mm oversize in length, so it can be machined down for a perfect fit without axial play. Furthermore, we also reproduced the locking discs ("anelli") which hold the gear assembly in place. If all this looks like too many strange parts to you, just send your gearbox over and we will overhaul it for you.

This is what you are not eager to find when draining the oil from your gearbox....

This is where the brim used to be. And this is also what you can expect fom most 6C 'boxes once you have a look inside.....

Quite an elaborate shape...

Deliberately slightly oversize in length. Should be flush with the end of the teeth...

Locking discs
Another thing we are currently reproducing are torsion bars for the short SS chassis 6Cs. Being made from 34CrNiMo6 steel, they even exceed the then original 50CrV4 material. Spring rate is calculated for the original weights and should fit all normal bodies. Available from July onwards.